North End active area update


As a follow up to previous communications, the club would like to provide a further update on the North End Active area, as we near the commencement of the 2017/18 season.

The club is very encouraged after a recent approach by a group of North End members, which was specific to match day arrangements, but also about their intent to reinvigorate the area and engage with like-minded North End members.

After a comprehensive off-season review, leveraging international learnings and considering a range of insights from active members, the club would like to confirm the North End arrangements for 2017/18.

• Due to the limited capacity, this will remain a North End member only area.

• Members will be allocated to a seat and club preference is to remain at that seat, however movement will be permitted within each bay, as opposed to last season when North End members were restricted to their designated seat. Membership cards will have colour coding and bay numbers attributed to both stadiums, for ease of reference for patron services.

• Supporter materials, including oversized flags, club banners and tifos will be permitted, on the basis North End representatives seek approval from the club. Admission of these materials will be according to the stadium conditions of entry.